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October: cybersecurity month

As part of the European Cyber Security Month, we are launching our fifth cybersecurity awareness campaign. We will focus on the fight against phishing again.

Phishing remains the biggest cybersecurity threat for citizens in Belgium. It is an important gateway for cybercriminals to devices and IT systems. Between January and September this year, more than 1 million messages were sent to [email protected]. Last year, there were 648,000 messages across the entire year, so we have seen a big increase in 2019.

"Phishing is used by cybercriminals to spread malware, obtain personal data and steal money. By making the Belgian population more resilient to phishing, we can kill not just two but three birds with one stone. The more messages we receive via [email protected], the more fake websites we can block. The sooner people send us suspicious messages, the sooner we can block those fake websites, resulting in fewer victims. We therefore ask Belgians to continue to forward suspicious messages to [email protected]

- Miguel De Bruycker, Director of CCB

During the October campaign, we wanted to draw attention to the topic via radio commercials and videos on social media, banners and other campaign materials. More information on the campaign website. 

We have the support of more than 500 partners.